2011년 6월 24일 금요일

History of CHANEL

History of CHANEL

Gabriel Coco Chanel
When she was 26 years old(1909) she opened her own shop in Paris, France. And after that time, she was walking the way of pretty good succeed. And in 1912, She became to make ‘her’ item, it was a perfume. She did not named her perfume like other brands of perfume. Chanel named perfume to be in order. One of the famous item in Chanel is No.5, So this perfume is made for 5th.
When her shop became famous, she designed her own logo, it is

These two logos are showing to us that Chanel’s pride from her own brand, and her passion for fashion.
And another one of the famous item in Chanel is handbags.
It is designed at 1955, But even more than 50 years passed, people loves this bag. Design from this bag is elegance, and perfect design.
Chanel made first shoulder strap, in that time, women should handle their bags. But it has thing that uncomfortable. So when this bag came out. it is the reason why that Women loved this bag so much. Also I can say that this bag is not just bag, it is piece of art and tradition thing.
Also Chanel made to women happy, more comfortable with their wearing things. She made Chanel suit. Also this suit was not only suit. It was one of the style. This suit saved women who lived in that time from corset and petticoat.

After Chanel died, Karl Lagerfeld
became new designer from Chanel. Even though he is very old, he is inspiring to other designers(he born in 1938) in 1938, he born between Swedish father and German mother. His father was very rich. And from that background, he raised with wealth life.
And he had a lots of interests in fashion major, so he went art school.
When he was 16 years old, he got prize from design contest. And from that time he became sub designer and started to working on fashion major.
He likes books than show and party, and models. Every 5 am he woke up and he reads art magazines or other history books for fashion major, and he designed Chanel clothes. He can speak English, French, German, and Italian. I think his fountain of youth is mind that always thinking about fashion and his boy friend. He is gay. And his boy friend is top model from France named, Baptiste Giabiconi.
Today, I will introduce about CHANEL. I think in South Korea, CHANEL is most famous brand. So I saved CHANEL for last week of blog project.
I really interested my blog. When I search information of different kinds of brands, I enjoyed it. And I could know the difference between Haute Coutre, and pretaporter. Haute Coutre is clothes that are so unique like kinds of art, and is not clothes that we are usually wearing. And pretaporter is clothes that are we usually wearing.

2011년 6월 17일 금요일

Sonia Rykiel

Sonia Rykiel
In this week, I will introduce about Sonia Rykiel who is the queen of knit wear.
She born in 1930, May 25th at Paris, France.
When she was 17 years old, She got job from store that where selling cottons.
And after that, She married with owner from fancy boutique.
There is episode when she started to make knit wear.
When she got pregnant, she found out some knit that she could wear, but there was no knit wear that pregnant women could wearing. So that is the first start point that she was walking on the ‘knit life’.
When she made her ‘first knit cloth’, after that time, other people liked that knit wear, and she was started to sell knit wear officially.
And in 1968, she opened own her shop with 2 kids. She got divorced with her husband and it was hard to start work on her job. At that time, she was 40 years old.
Even though she was in bad circumstances, she did not give up she was enthusiastic person on what she is doing, and what she is making.
But she closed her first shop after 3days from she opened her shop.
And after that time, she got more challenge from it. And then in 1967, the female designer who is name with Sonia Rykie, she got nick name by queen of knit wear. And also she got fame.
She has her own unique style and her clothes are so fastidious, because when she makes clothes, she thinks that clothes are her clothes.
In 1960s, black color was basic color and it was no allure on it. But she made black to stylish and with lure.
And stripe clothes are also one of the famous item from her. The allure from Sonia Rykiel is like allure from her red hair.
In 1974s, she made clothed with ‘inside out’. At that time, it was one of the revolution things from fashion major, because at that time it was not so ‘open mind’ with kind of that clothes.
So through this episodes, we can know that she was liking make brand new things and she was the revolution from fashion.
If she did not make her own knit cloth, I think we could not wear knit wear out side of my school uniform.
And the knit wear make people that more allegiance and make their silhouette better and more like ‘woman’.

<Nathalie Rykiel>
She is the daughter of Sonia Rykiel, from now she is art director from group Sonia Rykiel.
When she got job of art director from Sonia Rykiel,
Sonia Rykiel became to more sexy and more became style with modern.

Sonia Rykiel is the ‘living history of fashion’ and she was so sensitive in fashion. Even she is over 70 years old, she is beautiful and unique. Many people think Sonia Rykiel is good designer. The reason why is that even now she did not lose, her passion from Fashion.
Even now she is enthusiastic and she is trendy woman.

2011년 6월 11일 토요일

History of Prada

Today i want to introduce about History of Prada.
In 1913, Mario Prada established Prada. But like other brands history. Prada was not like 'brand' of fashion. It was more like store where that selling other things. accesaries, and other lethers. But Mario was very enthusiastic about what is he doing. So he traveled all over around, and he bought leathers with high quality. Through his passion, he became famous in 1920,30 centuries, and his store became patronized by people who were wealthy in Milano.
But when his store passed over a WW1,WW2, with depression of economy, he could not handle it. And in 1958, Mario Prada died, and his sons were continue it, But they did not have hit matterials, and Prada got almost bankruptcy.

But in 1978, Miuccia Prada get his grandfather's business, Prada got success.
Miuccia studied politics in Milano University, When she was studying in Milano, she was doing act in small theater, at that time, she did not have passion and other skills of fashion, but she had her own style.
After her grandfather died, family job what her mother did was getting difficult, She became CEO and she managed her family work.
Miuccia more worked for choose brand new material, not in design. she liked unusual material what other designer did not choose. Through this way, she became to make a 'Prada bag'.

 People started to interest in Prada, when prada got success from the bag. When she invented(?) this bag was 1978. That time was not very long to started Prada. She found other ways to make 'brand new things', and when she was finding cloth pocono what was using for water resist cloth. Pocono was very strong and also very light. At first time, customer was not very welcoming this bag, but in 1985, Miuccia showed quilted bag, this bag also got love from other customers. in fashion major 1990, it was the starting point of succeed from Prada.
Prada got succeed very fastly, in 1988 from that time Prada finally started to make clothes. they did not get succeed in few years but the years passed by, they got love from customers and famous for minimulism.
In 1993, they launched miumiu what is their second brand, Also in 1997, they launched Prada sport. From the end of 1980 to 1990 Prada was in development. and they bought Gucci, Fendi. But when 2000, they got crisis from 9.11, diseases like SAS. and Prada sold FENDI to other company. and they got peace because of FENDI. Therefore when in 2000s, they had dark times, but they kept try and they always studied about other market things. From 2005, they got developed, and they became a total fashion company.
The special things with Prada is there clothes are so beautiful and not like haute couture, its very simple, and minimum style.
When I was researching Prada images, and I found some pictures like 'run way',
and their clothes are having different patterns. and its so cute.
Prada is one of the famous brand in world. When i'm researching this brand I had fun and it was good time to study history about what they are.

2011년 6월 4일 토요일

Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Saint Laurent (Yves Henri Donat Mathieu Saint Laurent)
He born in Algeria, North Africa. When he was young, he liked to drawing and also He focused on his drawing.  But even he was talented, he had bad childhood memory. He was gay. So that is the reason why that he had bad memory of his childhood. But he overcome that complex, by his actively personality, and supporting from his mother, He could go to Paris.
When he started his work, He worked in Christian Dior, But after 3 years later Christian Dior passed away, In 1954, He became a chief designer for Christian Dior. And in 1962, He launched his own brand, with Pierre Berge And they made looks that like beatnik look, what is from animations.
And they became famous through that time, also they made looks that like from 1920-1940 what are fluidity and they bring innovation to Fashion major.
And his collection, he used first black model at that time. In 1970, Catherine Fabienne Dorleac was main model for Yves Saint Laurent, she kept have good relationship with Yves Saint Laurent, until Yves Saint Laurent die.
In 1981, He hold his collection at MetroPolitan Museum of Art, by first living fashion designer.
And at 1985, he got prize from France. In 1998, Yves Saint Laurent and his old friend, Pierre Berge, They chose Alber Elbaz designer for Rive Gauche.
But in 1990s, France got weak in Fashion Major. And also Yves Saint Laurent got weak. So their company passed to Gucci. And their designer changed to Tom Ford. In 2004, Tom Ford went out from Yves Saint Laurent, Stefano Pilati became new designer from Yves Saint Laurent.

Stefano Pilati

He from Italy, for now he is the most fashionable fashion designer, but when he was young, he was not major in Fashion. His major was design about environment. But when he inspired by Vogue, where the famous magazine, He changed his major to a Fashion. And he went to Georgio Armany for assistant, and he went to company Gucci, and designer from Miu Miu, after that time, He became a creative designer from Yves Saint Laurent with Tom Ford. 

He is famous for man who dress best in the world. Honesty, I did not know who he is and when I saw his picture, and images from his collections, other ways. He was really fashionable and very handsome. And when I saw the review? Or other information about him, People said that they almost fall in love with him. Like these, he is very fashionable. And I loved his styling that he matched suit with new balance 992. It is my favorite! (In Korean drama, main character weared like this) And there is one another thing that I like him. So many people who are related with Fashion major, most of them are gay. But he is not a gay and that is another reason why that I like him!

I love Yves Saint Laurent!

2011년 5월 27일 금요일

Alexander McQueen

Lee Alexander McQueen 

1969, he born in East and Stratford where is located in London.
His father was working for taxi driver, and his mother was working for housekeeper.
When he was 16 years old, he worked in Fashion major first time. Also at this time, he left his school for get to Chaville place that famous for tailoring. Most of his works were inspired by ‘Architecture’. So that is the reason why when he saw through his works, we can see his artistic and its beauty.
And he learned skills (skills that making suit and needle work) from Koji Tatsuno and romeo Gigli who from Rodeo.
In 1991, he graduated from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, and In London, he opened his studio and launched his own brand, named ‘bumsters’. But he did not get succeed through this brand. But some people gave to him support.

Isabella Delves Broughton

She is a person who gave support to Alexander McQueen. She is fashion model from England and designer and editor. She loved fashion of ‘hat’. Also she found famous hat designer Philip Treacy. (She is famous for designed hat to princess from England)
Isabella Delves Broughton born in 1958, November. And she crossed away to New York, and she studied ancient Chinese Art in Columbia University. After two years later, she choose by Anna Wintour and she worked for her.
In 1986, Isabella did active work by stylist. And from 1993, he worked in England Vogue for 4 years.
And she found lots of people who are involved in Fashion, and talented people like Alexander McQueen.

And let’s come back to Alexander McQueen again,

After he left to Saint Martin and he became one of the famous person in Fashion major.
Also Alexander McQueen registered his name on ‘British Designer in this year’ in 1996, 1997, 2001, and 2003. And he got an appointment new designer from Givenchy, after John Galliano.
The reason why that Givenchy chose Alexander McQueen is because of his creativity and skill with his technics.
In 2003, June He got International designer prize from CFDA(Council of Fashion Designers of America) and he got other prizes also.
In his fashion there are weakness, strong, and traditional and modern thing, He was calling ‘rebellious child in Fashion major’.
Isabella Delves Broughton suicide in 2007,
who is his old friend and his old supporter Isabella Delves Broughton.
In 2010, when his mother died, he had depression and after few days, in 2/11 he found as dead.

Sarah Burton

She is the replacement after death of Alexander McQueen.
She worked with Alexander McQueen from 1996 in studio. And from 2000, she got accountability from Women’s wear.

 She is famous for designed wedding dress to Kate Middleton who was married with Prince from England.
She is doing good job in ‘Alexander McQueen’. Her works are very unique and beautiful.

And here is very famous item from Alexander McQueen