2011년 6월 17일 금요일

Sonia Rykiel

Sonia Rykiel
In this week, I will introduce about Sonia Rykiel who is the queen of knit wear.
She born in 1930, May 25th at Paris, France.
When she was 17 years old, She got job from store that where selling cottons.
And after that, She married with owner from fancy boutique.
There is episode when she started to make knit wear.
When she got pregnant, she found out some knit that she could wear, but there was no knit wear that pregnant women could wearing. So that is the first start point that she was walking on the ‘knit life’.
When she made her ‘first knit cloth’, after that time, other people liked that knit wear, and she was started to sell knit wear officially.
And in 1968, she opened own her shop with 2 kids. She got divorced with her husband and it was hard to start work on her job. At that time, she was 40 years old.
Even though she was in bad circumstances, she did not give up she was enthusiastic person on what she is doing, and what she is making.
But she closed her first shop after 3days from she opened her shop.
And after that time, she got more challenge from it. And then in 1967, the female designer who is name with Sonia Rykie, she got nick name by queen of knit wear. And also she got fame.
She has her own unique style and her clothes are so fastidious, because when she makes clothes, she thinks that clothes are her clothes.
In 1960s, black color was basic color and it was no allure on it. But she made black to stylish and with lure.
And stripe clothes are also one of the famous item from her. The allure from Sonia Rykiel is like allure from her red hair.
In 1974s, she made clothed with ‘inside out’. At that time, it was one of the revolution things from fashion major, because at that time it was not so ‘open mind’ with kind of that clothes.
So through this episodes, we can know that she was liking make brand new things and she was the revolution from fashion.
If she did not make her own knit cloth, I think we could not wear knit wear out side of my school uniform.
And the knit wear make people that more allegiance and make their silhouette better and more like ‘woman’.

<Nathalie Rykiel>
She is the daughter of Sonia Rykiel, from now she is art director from group Sonia Rykiel.
When she got job of art director from Sonia Rykiel,
Sonia Rykiel became to more sexy and more became style with modern.

Sonia Rykiel is the ‘living history of fashion’ and she was so sensitive in fashion. Even she is over 70 years old, she is beautiful and unique. Many people think Sonia Rykiel is good designer. The reason why is that even now she did not lose, her passion from Fashion.
Even now she is enthusiastic and she is trendy woman.

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